Monday, February 25, 2013

Ditchin' Probs

Is it so sad to be hidden in your room after enjoying a two hour nap? It's like this: School was a breeze today. First hour started at eleven fifteen and classes were twenty-four minutes long, but no one wants to be there to begin with. I left after fifth hour - one o'clock- and hung out with my friend. Now why am I taking refuge in my room? Because I fell asleep, I missed the phone call that the school sends to notify the 'parents of a student who didn't make it to class today," and now i'm freaking out. I'm thinkin' that my parents didn't answer the phone (it's a house phone, rarely used) which is why I was not rudely awoken...however, i could walk out to the living room and be bombarded with questions about my day...To leave or not to leave.

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