Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Imagine this scenario: you're birthday is tomorrow yet three of your best friends leave after school for a trip with school. Who the heck are you suppose to party with? Creative friends come up with wonderful surprise party ideas. And guess what, my friend had no idea whatsoever. You can just call me a genius. Fun fun fun.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wouldn't you want this?

1968. sunny yellow. calming white. Perfection! Want, want, want. Only need to save $3k. Yikess..

Monday, March 18, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Ch..cha..chai latte.

Oh Dutch Bros. You make me exuberant. Amy wasn't too happy that they made her chai latte dirty (added a shot of coffee). Oh well.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Baby Craze

Baby Vincent, a.k.a Vinny. Two-months old.
L O V E .

{first time meeting him and I could not get enough}

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring Break Destination: El Paso, Texas.
My grandma lives in a small town called San Elizario. Dates back to the Spaniards and all the conquering they were up too. My sister and I were up for an adventure so we grabbed our cousins and went to the border of Mexico. I surprisingly risked getting all muddy by passing a somewhat-empty canal and getting as close to the border as I could. There was another canal full of murky water which was right along the fence. No way someone would be able to swim THEN have to climb over it. So much work.