Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Because i am your pet
And i pet your overly geled hairs

My heart knows nothing of want
Other than wanting oxygenated blood

But ill describe how much i feel that it wants you

You know when you get jittery after too much caffeine
Okay that is how i feel
And the jittery feeling is in my chest
Near my heart

And so it reminds me of you
And i want your paw and you want this fig

The only fig you like

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

06/06 @ 1:56

I thought of walking down the aisle to see your incredibly handsome face and i know i'd have the biggest smile and we'd probably goof around when i'd have to say the vows. I'd most likely comment on your slick backed hairs!!!! Ugh, i got butterflies. First time i've ever thought about that..... maybe, just maybe we will make it that far. I hope so, Noel Peña!! But im keeping my last name.