Elena Carter
You are bright and warm-stop!
That is for the sun. Don’t go
stealing that away.
Your laugh bounces and rings
and wraps and cradles
like a remarkably pink atmosphere,
blinding and cloudy,
perfumed and wrapped like a pretty bow.
Your grin is certainly blue. How beautiful your lips
look thinning before stretching back and back
until showing your pearly whites.
Like waves coming to shore again and again.
I found it wonderful how your eyes connect
with your nose that connects
with your smiley mouth that clicks with green
when you sing Rainbowarriors by CocoRosie.
You should do that more often.
Because your voice stretches and pushes
until it holds. Everything you say is honest.
So why then did we not realize
that you meant it when you said,
"Some see too much beauty in life
they end life,"
and grabbed a gun
to end yours.